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April 05, 2009


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sarah gilbert

I like. very much.

and was just thinking the same thing about Mondays... they come so fast these days. and none of the fun times I'd imagined ever happen.


Yay! Looks great, congrats!

Courtney Heath

I totally have a case of the Monday's and I have to say I'm spending a bit of my Monday morning putting off the work so I can dream of knitting.


I'm so glad you were able to put this up. I'm getting married in June and while our theme is daisies, we're tossing in a few hidden acorns here and there because they have a special meaning for us. The acorn pattern is perfect and I'm going to modify it a bit to knit up as my handbag. I just bought the pattern on Ravelry - thanks!


I have to admit that I like the droopy sort, but I've been a big fan of all your stand-up ones as well. I love the acorns - very nice design - and I think cowls are perfect for spring (quick & just enough warmth), I'm sure this will do well!


I read the title as 'acorn owl', but am equally excited by the 'acorn cowl'!:)


Thanks to ADD Knitter, I learned of your Acorn Cowl which you used with the Cascade Greenland. I love that yarn too! It's hard to find in my area. I picked it up on a visit to L.A. but I loved working with it and you are the first person who has ever talked about it. Hopefully it will be around for my next Cali visit. Its firmness "stands up" to your penchant for stand-up cowls. Maybe I'll make yours if I get the courage to stray from garter and stockinette!


Emily: Wow, how cool.

And Chloe: You will likely need a little help if you "stray" to this project as a first non-garter-stockinette experience. It's a bit difficult. But you should still do it! I am not saying you shouldn't do it. :-)

Lindsey Rose

This is my favorite cowl of yours yet! Perfect for Spring! I LOVE the color of that yarn!

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