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April 15, 2009


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E to the M

It's beautiful!


Don't know yet how many squares I'll get done, but count me in! Hopefully, this fun project will help get my sock yarn stash down to a more manageable level (it is currently overflowing its assigned shelf in the stash and some of the other yarns are not amused). I'll also print out this post and bring it to the sock (or squares) knitters in the several knitting groups I frequent. And I don't need to download the pattern as I have (and LOVE!!!) your book.


Just read about this on Ravelry. Very cool! Will spread the word.

Elizabeth D

I've signed up and recruited at least one more friend.


You know I love your projects and that I'm so in!

I might be able to come down for a sewing party so I'll email the link and try to commit.


Good luck, looks fun!


So rad! I just went and weighed all my sock yarn remnants to see how many I could potentially make. I'd join a sewing up party, too. Will email.


This is so beautiful! I'm going to have to knit this one!


What a great idea! Just sent an email to you re my contribution. Oh how I wish I could join the sewing party. Making my own Barn Raiser at the moment - lovin' it.


Okay I am in on this new Barn Raiser, but how do you use Judy's Cast On for the square??


What a great project! I'm in and I'll see how many other Toronto knitters I can recruit. I'm a big fan of your book!



The square starts as a small circle. I hope I linked to the correct Judy Cast-on, the one for a small circle.


GOOD NIGHT NURSE! I was trying to use the "toe-up sock Judy Becker's Magic Cast On. Honestly what a dorko I am! I didn't know Judy had a circle cast on :) Since I couldn't figure out how a toe would look good in the middle of a square I started my square with the Norwegian Cast on in an attempt to get a smaller hole. I really like the look and I think the hole is smaller and more....substantial. You should have seen my wacky toe-up Barn-Raiser!


I'd love to take part in this too Larissa....not sure yet how many squares I'll manage but a couple at least!
I will also blog about this in the next few days!


I am in... I should be able to do at least 2.


I'd like to take part as well, but the links for the pattern seem to be gone already?

Carrie @ Three-Girl Circus

Do you have enough volunteers for this already?...I'd love to participate, but can't seem to the pattern from the link you've given. Thanks!


The topic covered is very well done. I was referred here by a friend, thanks to him i bookmarked along with http://www.rapidmediafire.com which has some good topics.

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